24 people who set fire to forest in Syria hanged, 11 convicts sentenced to life imprisonment


Beirut, Lebanon). In Syria, 24 people have been hanged and 11 have been sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for setting fire to the forest. Syria’s Ministry of Justice gave this information in a Facebook post on Thursday. Forests were set on fire last year in northwestern Syria.

The government said that the case was taken as terrorism and the culprits were punished accordingly. The actions of the culprits not only resulted in the death of people, but also caused huge damage to government and private property, farms, forests and infrastructure.

Crops in 32,000 acres were destroyed in the fire, and farmers suffered a loss of about $ 24 million (about Rs 200 crore). Even human rights activists are shocked at such a harsh punishment, which has seen horrific brutality in a decade of civil war.

At that time, the government of President Bashar Assad had bombed its own people and imposed strict restrictions on rebel communities. Then countless prisoners went missing from Syrian prisons.