Time magazine put 2020 big red cross on the cover page, wrote – worst year ever


The world’s most respected magazine Time has shown 2020 with the Red Cross by not putting a big celebrity photo on its cover page for December 2020. The magazine has written under it that the worst year ever means the worst year ever. Earlier also, the magazine has released the cover page by marking such red cross four times.

In addition, American President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris have been honored by the magazine as Person of the Year for major changes in American politics. Time magazine has placed both of them on its cover photo and has written that the story of changing America.

This year’s Person of the Year race also featured American Physician Doctor Anthony Fauci, the Racial Justice Movement and Donald Trump. Let me tell you that since 1927, Time magazine has been choosing Person of the Year. But the most attractive thing is its cover page, which has a cross with a big red mark on it by writing 2020.  Red Cross had previously used the Red Cross to mark the death of German dictator Adolf Hitler in 1975, before

TIME magazine selected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as Person of the Year in 2020, explains why

when it was imposed

The Red Cross was then used by the magazine at the beginning of the Iraq War. At the same time, this mark was used after the killing of Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Weather Al Zarqawi in Iraq by the US military in 2006.

This Red Cross was used on the cover page of the magazine for the fourth time after the murder of the notorious terrorist Osama bin Laden. In addition, Time magazine selected Zoom App CEO Eric Yuen as Business Person of the Year. At the same time, Korean band BTS was chosen for Entertainment of the Year.