Bill Gates’s warning – the next six months during the epidemic can be very bad


Washington. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates warned on Sunday that the next four to six months could be very bad in the era of Coronavirus. Gates’ organization is taking part in efforts to develop and supply Covid-19 Vaccine. Gates warned people in the wake of deteriorating conditions in America from Corona.

Gates, co-chairman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told CNN, “The next four to six months could be very bad during an epidemic. IHME (Institute for Health Matrix and Evaluation) estimates that more than two lakh people will die. If we follow the rules like wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, then most of these possible deaths can be prevented. Gates said there have been record cases of infections, deaths and hospitalizations in the US in recent weeks. “I think America will do a good job in dealing with these situations.” Gates warned of such an epidemic in 2015.

He said, ‘Overall, when I predicted in 2015, I talked about the possibility of higher number of dead. So, this virus can be even more deadly than it is deadly now. We have not seen a bad phase yet. The thing that surprised me was the economic impact in the US and around the world, which was bigger than I had anticipated five years ago.

The death

toll in the US has crossed 3 lakh , the death toll in the US has also crossed 3 lakh. In many states of the country, the work of delivering Pfizer vaccine has been speeded up. Gustave Perna, head of Donald Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed, said the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered at 145 locations on Monday. There are plans to deliver vaccines to 425 on Tuesday and 66 places on Wednesday. Here on December 11, Pfizer’s vaccine was allowed to be used in emergency.

Trucks ready to carry Kovid-19 vaccine in America

On the other hand, trucks are ready on Sunday to carry the first consignment of Corona virus vaccine from America’s Michigan manufacturing plant. The dose of lethal infection prevention vaccines is expected to reach the states by evening. These vaccines are important to prevent the outbreak of pandemic in the country. The largest vaccination campaign against the epidemic in US history will begin. This pandemic has killed 16 lakh people worldwide and has made 7.1 crore people sick. Initially about 30 lakh doses of vaccine are expected to be sent and priority will be given to health workers and nursing home workers.

People start getting corona vaccine in America from today, shops will be available soon

Corona virus cases continue to boom in America and more than three lakh Americans have died so far. Federal officials said that the first batch of Pfizer’s vaccine would reach 145 distribution centers by Monday. At the same time, this vaccine will reach Tuesday at additional 425 centers and Wednesday at the remaining 66 centers. The vaccine was developed by Pfizer with its German partner BioNotech. It will be given on the basis of adult population of each state. This vaccine is being kept at very low temperature i.e. about 94 degree Celsius below zero. For this, Pfizer is using containers equipped with dry ice and GPS sensors. Federal officials said that in three weeks the vaccine will be available at local drugstores.