Pentagon creates a microchip that detects corona, will filter out the blood and remove the virus


This new technology has been developed by the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Retired Colonel Dr. Matt Hepburn, the pandemic expert who led this team, also claimed that Kovid-19 would be the last pandemic.

Washington. All countries including India and America are facing the havoc of new variants of Corona virus. Vaccination work is in full swing in many countries to prevent the spread of corona. Meanwhile, scientists at the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Department of Defense, have created a microchip and developed a technology that will detect the corona virus in the body. By applying this microchip, it will recognize the symptoms of corona in your body very easily and later the virus will be removed from the blood through the filter.

This information has been given in a New York Times report. According to the report, this new technology has been developed by the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Retired Colonel Dr. Matt Hepburn, the pandemic expert who led this team, also claimed that Kovid-19 would be the last pandemic.

According to the report, Dr. Matt Hepburn said, ‘Now we are fully prepared to prevent any kind of biological and chemical attack in future. This microchip can be applied under the skin in any part of the body. It will tell every kind of chemical reaction that occurs in the body and the signals it sends will tell how long you are going to get infected.

How will Microchip work?

According to Dr. Hepburn, ‘a gel has been added to the chip, which looks somewhat like a tissue. It has been made in such a way that it will continuously report on the blood and report it. Its result will also be available to you within 3 to 5 minutes. For this, we have developed a machine like dialysis to test blood in collaboration with a partner pathology organization of Pentagon.

According to Hepburn, it has been tried on a military personnel ‘Patient-16’. Through this machine, the virus was completely eradicated from his blood and he is absolutely fine. He told that the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also approved the emergency use of this machine.