New York case of America, parents want to marry their adult child, application given in court


New York Parent wants to marry own child: Parents explained their unique application, saying, “Through the permanent bond of marriage, two persons, irrespective of their relationship, achieve the highest peak of emotion, intimacy and spirituality.” Can. “

New York. A unique case has come to light in New York, USA, where a parent has legally applied to marry an adult child and termed it as a matter of ‘personal autonomy’. Along with this, parents also want that a law should be made for this so that there is no hindrance in this practice of incest.

The New York Post said in a report that parents explained their unique application, saying, “Through the permanent bond of marriage, two individuals, regardless of their relationship, achieve the highest peak of emotion, intimacy and spirituality.” can do.”

Hardly any details such as the sex, age, hometown or the nature of their relationship… have been given in the papers filed in the court. Explaining the reason behind this ‘personal autonomy’, the parents said that this application is ‘against moral, social and biological form’ for a large section of the society.

It has been clarified in the filing application that the spouses are adults and they have also shared that their relationship is between the parents and the child. However, this Manhattan family and matrimonial law attorney Eric Wrubel says this is never possible.