America Helps India: Regarding India’s help, Dr. Andy Slavitt, Senior Advisor at the White House’s Covid-19 response, said, “We are standing with India during this tragic rise.”
Washington. Good news has come from America about Covid Vaccine. America’s top epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that the indigenous vaccine Covaxin is effective in neutralizing the corona virus 617 variants. Dr. Fossey gave this information during a conversation with reporters on Tuesday. He is also the chief medical adviser of the White House.
On Tuesday, Foci has informed that 617 variants of covaxine virus are neutralizing. He said, ‘This is something where we are still collecting data every day. But recently a data was collecting information about the Convalescent Serra of Kovid-19 and those in India who have received the covexin. He told that it has been found that it is neutralizing 617 variants. Fossey said, ‘Despite the real difficulty we are seeing in India, vaccination can prove to be a very important antidote against it.’The New York Times said on Tuesday that covicin SARS-CoV-2 works by teaching the immune system how to make antibodies against the corona virus. Antibodies are linked to viral proteins, similar to the perceived spike proteins associated with the surface. This vaccine has been created by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the National Institute of Virology and the Indian Council of Medical Research. Covaxin was approved for emergency use on 3 January.
Regarding India’s help, Dr. Andy Slavitt, Senior Advisor at the White House’s Kovid-19 Response, said, “We are standing with India during this tragic rise.” We are working on providing resources including raw materials for therapeutics, rapid testing kits, ventilators, PPE and vaccine manufacturing. He said that ‘CDC with a long history of working with India will deploy the strait team there to help the health efforts in the country.’