NASA ESA Venus Missions: Venus Could Reveal How Life On Earth Will Eventually End


As soon as it has been announced to send three missions to the planet Venus, the attention of people has once again been drawn towards this planet which is considered to be ‘Hell’.

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Many space agencies around the world are busy investigating that if life on Earth will end, then how will it happen. In such a situation, NASA seems to be at the forefront of finding the answer to this question. NASA is ready to uncover the mystery of the end of the Earth, so that the possible danger to the Earth can be detected. For this, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) will launch three missions to the planet Venus. Through these missions, it will be found out how the Earth developed. Apart from this, it will also be found out whether the Earth, like Venus, will not be habitable for one day.

At a time when the eyes of scientists from all over the world are on Mars, because almost every space agency is busy launching its Mars mission. At the same time, as soon as it has been announced to send three missions to the planet Venus, the attention of people has once again been drawn towards this planet which is considered to be ‘Hell’. Where the US space agency NASA will launch its DAVINCI + and Veritas missions. At the same time, the European Space Agency is about to launch EnVision. In such a situation, people’s attention has once again fallen on the planet Venus, which has been a victim of neglect of the world for many years.

What is the goal of the three missions?

According to scientists, through these missions it will be found out how life will end on Earth one day? Till now we do not have much information about the planet Venus. However, there are many similarities between Earth and Venus, including size, its distance from the Sun. However, there are also many disparities between the two planets. It involves the existence of life on the one and the lifelessness of the other. The mission of both the space agencies is aimed at helping scientists understand that Earth and Venus are separate planets or that Venus was once like Earth. If Venus was the same as Earth, then what was the reason that turned it into a ‘ball of fire’.

Venus’s temperature is 470 degrees Celsius

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Astronomer Paul Byrne told the BBC’s Science Focus program that the temperature on Venus is about 470 degrees Celsius. In such a situation, if a person walks on the surface of Venus, then he will become ashes within a few seconds. At the same time, the atmosphere of Venus is 96.5 percent carbon dioxide, so humans will not be able to breathe in it. In this way, now scientists will try to find out what is the real reason for the destruction of Venus. If the answer to this question is found, then in the future the earth can also be saved from extinction.