America: Man threw 34 billion rupees of bitcoin in the garbage 8 years ago, now NASA’s help to find it


The dominance of the virtual currency bitcoin is increasing around the world. There are many people who have become millionaires overnight because of bitcoin. In such a situation, the craze of this virtual currency has increased among the youth, because its value is increasing every day. James, an IT worker from California, USA, dreamed of becoming rich with bitcoin, but he has suffered a big loss.

In 2013, IT engineer James Howells accidentally threw his hard drive in the trash, which contained a cryptographic ‘private key’ store. This ‘key’ was very important to James’s bitcoins (Bitcoin, which today is worth £340 million (Rs 34,50,60,56,000). Now he has to save his sinking fortunes from the US space agency NASA. (NASA) has taken the help of data experts.

According to a CNBC report, James Howells has also proposed to the administration that if he gets money through the drive, he will give 25% of the share to the city’s Kovid-Relief Fund. However, the officials are not ready to listen to him. He has said that the administration has directly refused without hearing the plan.

James has contacted engineers, environmentalists and data recovery experts from around the world to carry out the discovery. Now he has taken the help of Ontrack company for this.

This data recovery firm retrieved data from burned and damaged hard drives from the Columbia spacecraft after it fell to Earth in 2003. NASA also takes the help of this company for data recovery.

The data recovery firm believes that if James’ hard drive isn’t broken, there is an 80 to 90 percent chance that his bitcoins can be recovered.

James told CNBC that he accidentally threw the drive in the trash in 2013. Since then he has been requesting Newport City Council to locate him, so that he can find the code. However, the administration is not allowing it citing environmental and economic burden.