American colleges are instructing foreign students to return to campus immediately.


Donald Trump will take oath as President on January 20. But before that, colleges there have started worrying about something strange. Many colleges have advised foreign students to return to the campus immediately.

This is sure to have an impact on Indian students studying in America as well. Students are being told to return to college as soon as possible. The reason behind this is being said to be the fear of travel ban.

According to a CNN report, colleges believe that Trump’s return to power may lead to travel restrictions from many countries. Foreign students may get stuck due to this. Muslim-majority countries like Iran, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen are being mentioned in this. It is being said that visas of radical anti-American and anti-Semitic people may be cancelled. China and India are not Trump’s targets at the moment. Still, universities are cautious. A report from Cornell University claims that China and India may be added to this list. That is why there is the most concern about Indians.

How many Indian students are there in America?

More than 11 lakh foreign students are studying in America. Out of these, 3.3 lakh students are Indians. The Ministry of Education of the Government of India recently shared a report, according to which, there has been a 91 percent increase in the number of Indian students in prestigious institutions like MIT, Stanford, Harvard and UC Berkeley. There were 122,535 Indian students in America in 2019, but now this number has increased to 3.3 lakh.

Order to all students

According to the report, the University of South California has issued an order for all students in view of the possibility of travel ban. Especially foreign students have been asked to return to the campus immediately. More than 17000 foreign students study in this university. Academics say that the kind of fear that has been created, it seems that the activities of Trump Universities will be closely monitored.