American Space Force announced, its bravehearts will now be called ‘Guardians’


The American Space Force has said that its soldiers will now be called Guardians. It has given information about this in a tweet. It says the process of years in which thousands of missions and research have been carried out with the participation of space professionals. Finally, today we can share with you that we will be called by some name – Guardians.

What is space force

The US Space Force has emerged as the sixth armed force. After the Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, this force was formed by the US so that it could maintain its dominance in space. To compete with rival countries in space. It is the space army and America is the third country after China and Russia to have such an army.

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The United States had announced this force about two years ago. They are not actually deployed in space but serve to protect American satellites.