Big News: After applying Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in the US, the nurse suffered a rash, swelling in the hands


Nurse Got Corona Positive after Pfizer Vaccination: Just days after Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine in California, US, a nurse named Matthew W. has been reported to be Corona positive (Nurse Got Corona Positive). .

California. Just days after Pfizer’s Coronavirus Vaccine was applied in California, US, a nurse named Matthew W. reported being Nurse Got Corona Positive. The shocking news about the Pfizer vaccine may increase people’s fears about the vaccine. Matthew works in two hospitals. On December 18, Matthew W. reported the introduction of the Pfizer vaccine in a Facebook post.

After applying the vaccine, Covid-19 was working in the ward

The nurse told ABC News that she had swollen hands a day after the vaccine was applied. Apart from this, he did not have any side effects. After six days, symptoms of corona appeared in them. He told that till six days after vaccination, he was working in the ward of Covid-19. On Christmas Eve, he got cold and later started feeling muscle pain and fatigue.

Vaccine is ready 10 days after trial Immunity

Mathew went to the drive-up hospital testing site the day after Christmas and underwent a test in which he was found to be Corona positive. Experts say that the occurrence of corona positive a few days after the vaccine is not very surprising. Infectious disease specialist Christian Ramers of San Diego, US, said that a vaccine trial has shown that immunity is ready in a person only 10 to 14 days after taking the vaccine. Another dose is also necessary for complete protection. According to Ramers, the first dose of the vaccine gives you about 50% of the immunity, and you need another dose to reach 95%. ”

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According to the Vaccine Advisory Group, Pfizer’s vaccine is safe for people 16 years and above. The Pfizer company also claimed that its corona vaccine is 95 percent effective. On the other hand, President Donald Trump was also under constant pressure to approve the vaccine as soon as possible. People are being told that they must know that they are not allergic to any ingredient of the vaccine. The FDA has said in its guidelines that health control should not give Pfizer-BioNotech vaccine to any person who has ever had any kind of allergy.

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