Big News: Case filed against Indian professor for research in America back

Indian Professor For Research (Washington): A University of America has entered into a lawsuit filed against the Indian professor Ashim Mitra two and a half years ago regarding the patent. Professor Mitra was accused of stealing a student’s research and selling it to a pharmaceutical company. Professor Mitra was a professor at the Kansas Campus at the University of Missouri, USA. He was alleged to have sold the drug company to Research for one and a half million dollars. He also received a $ 10 million royalty on it.

The university said that the patent has the right of the university, not the student or the professor. The university issued a statement saying that it has settled the two-and-a-half-year-old claim with Professor Ashim Mitra. The university has withdrawn its patent claim. No information has been provided about the terms of the agreement. It is known that Professor Mitra was also accused of making students work like servants at home in the past. Professor Ashim Mitra, who has been working at the University of Missouri-Kansas City for 26 years, has been accused by his students of carrying equipment and tables at social events.

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His former student Kamesh Kuchimanchi told that he considered his life in university as nothing more than modern slavery. Former colleagues of Professor Mitra said they saw students acting as servants outside the campus or heard their complaints. His colleagues repeatedly told him that his actions were unfair, yet there was no change.

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