Climate Change News: Global warming is taking a toll on health, the entire population in danger


London, Pretr. Global warming has increased the concern of people on many fronts. In a recent report, a lot of information has come out about the ill effects of climate change on people’s health.

According to the report published in the science journal Lancet, the health problems caused by climate change are increasing continuously. In these, problems like heat-related deaths, infectious diseases and starvation have been mentioned. In this regard, one report focuses on the global and the other on the US.

Entire population at risk: The report has been named ‘Code Red for a Healthy Future’. It says that both the elderly and children are becoming victims of the difficulties of climate change. A large population is living in areas where there is a risk of disease outbreaks due to climate change.

Coastal areas are becoming favorable for bacteria to flourish. In many poor countries, the risk of malaria is now longer in a year than in the 1950s.

Threats are ever increasing: Due to climate change, access to clean air and water is becoming difficult. Conditions such as floods and droughts also cause food shortages. A WHO report said that between 2030 and 2050, an additional 2.5 lakh deaths will occur annually due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stroke due to climate change.

If we calculate the economic loss in the health sector, by 2030 it is estimated to be in the range of two to four billion dollars annually.

Climate change is a health crisis: Dr. Renee Salas, co-author of the report, has called climate change a health crisis. Dr. Leanne Goldman, dean of the George Washington University School of Public Health, who was not part of the study, said the health crisis due to climate change is growing at a much faster rate than was thought a few years ago.