G-7 meeting: 7 big leaders of the world met in Britain, committed to give 1 billion doses in the war against Covid


G7 Meeting: The formal summit began on Friday during which formal greetings and group photos were taken while keeping distance.

Carabis Bay (UK). British Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed the leaders of the group to the G7 summit in Corbys Bay on Friday. These leaders have gathered at one place for the first time since the start of the Kovid-19 pandemic. The corona virus issue was expected to dominate the discussion of these leaders. At the same time, leaders of this group of wealthy countries were expected to commit to share at least one billion doses of vaccine for struggling countries.

Before the start of the G-7 summit in south-west Britain, US President Joe Biden committed 500 million doses and Johnson committed to share 100 million doses of anti-Covid-19 vaccine. The main emphasis of this summit will be on recovery from Kovid-19. Biden said, “Together with our global partners, we are going to help the world get out of this epidemic.” The G-7 also includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

He said, “Together with our global partners, we will work to rid the world of this global epidemic.” This meeting of leaders is taking place at a resort in Carbys Bay and it will also give new life to the global economy. have hope. On Friday, a minimum global tax of at least 15 per cent on corporations will be formally adopted. For this, an agreement was signed a week ago between the finance ministers of these countries.

It’s a potential victory for the Biden administration, which has proposed a global minimum tax as a way to pay for infrastructure projects. However, it is just a step away from the G-7 approval process and is expected to be signed by many more countries. For Johnson, the first G-7 summit in two years is an opportunity to articulate his vision of a “global Britain” after Brexit.

It is also an occasion to underline the UK-US relationship. It is an alliance that is often referred to as a “special relationship”, but Johnson said he prefers to call it an “indestructible relationship”. Climate change is also a top issue on the agenda and hundreds of protesters gathered in Cornwall and urged leaders to act.

The formal summit began on Friday during which formal greetings and group photographs were taken while keeping distance from each other. Later these leaders will meet Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family at the Eden Project. Given the disparity in the supply of vaccines around the world, G7 leaders are under increasing pressure to outline the global vaccine sharing programme.

US President Joe Biden has pledged to donate 500 million doses and called on rich countries to make coordinated efforts for widespread and rapid vaccination. Johnson’s office was told that the first 50 million doses will be given in the coming weeks, while the rest will be given next year.

He said, “I hope that my fellow leaders at the G7 summit will make similar resolutions and together we will be able to vaccinate the whole world by the end of next year.” will be resolved.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she hoped the summit would show the world “we are not just thinking about ourselves.” While French President Emmanuel Macron welcomed the US resolve, saying that Europe should also Similar steps should be taken. He had said that by the end of the year, France would donate at least 30 million doses.

The US is committed to purchasing and donating 500 million Pfizer doses for distribution to 92 low-income countries and the African Union through the global COVAX alliance. At the same time, leaders of EU countries participating in the G-7 summit gathered with top EU officials before the official start of the summit programme.

French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, EU Council President Charles Michel and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke about relations with China. They plan to discuss the matter with US President Biden later. Biden is also at this summit.

“The European position is clear: China is a systemic rival, a participant and a competitor on global issues,” Macron’s office said in a statement.