Heat is becoming a problem for homeless people in America, death toll is increasing


According to the National Weather Service (NWS), this extreme heat will increase the risk of diseases for those who live on the streets or work outside in the scorching heat and the death toll may also increase. According to the National Weather Service, last year 2,302 people died due to heatwave.

Many countries of the world are facing the heat. Due to the scorching sun, many countries like India, Pakistan, Sudan, Britain, America are facing severe heat. Due to this, people in America are forced to stay indoors when the temperature is high, while the problem has increased for those who do not have a home.

The number of homeless people in America has increased. In the year 2007, America started collecting data on the number of homeless people, after which the number of homeless people reached its highest in the year 2023. In 2023, more than 650,000 homeless people were recorded in America in a single night.

Heat is becoming a problem for the homeless

The increasing heat in the country is becoming the biggest problem for the homeless people. The National Integrated Heat Health Information System recently said that there is relief in North America, but on the other hand, the mercury is very high from the plains to the South East. The temperature has reached 37 degrees and people are facing a terrible heatwave. While the rest of the people run towards their homes to escape the heat, the homeless people are forced to live on the streets and parks and are facing the heat. They neither have a roof to protect themselves from the heat nor any facility to escape the heat.

death toll rises
According to the National Weather Service (NWS), this extreme heat will increase the risk of diseases for those who live on the streets or work outside in the scorching heat and the death toll may also increase. According to the National Weather Service, last year 2,302 people died due to heatwave.

Efforts continue to save homeless people

In America, the Texas Homeless Network is working to save homeless people from the heat. The department said that at this time our aim is to save homeless people from the ruthless heat. Texas Homeless Network (THN) is an organization whose aim is to reduce the number of homeless people and is working to end this thing. According to THN, the scorching heat is becoming more troublesome for homeless people. Due to the terrible heat and heatwave, THN said that 200 times more homeless people are expected to die than people living in homes. Heat can cause many types of diseases, including heat stroke.

THN reported that the heatwave is causing homeless people to lose sleep at night, get sick, and their food is spoiling faster. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) said 40 percent of homeless people live in unpaved streets, old buildings or other similar places.