How did Corona spread in the world? Scientists did not get the answer, know


Washington. It has been almost two years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but where this virus spread in the world still remains a mystery. Most scientists believe that this virus emerged in the wild and passed from bats to humans directly or through some other animal.

While some people say that this virus started from the laboratory of Wuhan, China. So far more than 52 lakh people have died due to infection. Scientists are trying to focus on the possibility that learning from the theory of ‘zoonotic’, that is, animal-to-human transmission of viruses, will help protect mankind from new viruses and forms.

University of Utah scientist Stephen Goldstein said, ‘A lot of attention has been paid to the theory of virus origin from the laboratory. However, there is no evidence that this virus was created in a laboratory.’ In August, evidence of virus origin from animals was presented in the research journal ‘Cell’. Michael Vorobey, a biologist at the University of Arizona who collaborated on the study, signed a paper last summer with other scientists saying both theories are likely. He said his own and other scientists’ studies have convinced him even more about the animal hypothesis, which is ‘more supported by the data.’

All corona virus originated from animals in the past

Vorobey has presented the history of the virus reaching humans from a place selling marine animals in Wuhan, China. He said that the idea of ​​the virus leaking from the laboratory is certainly distracting from theories as to what happened in the end. Scientists have said in a study published in ‘Cell’ that this is the ninth corona virus of SARS Cove-2 to infect humans, whose documents have been prepared. All types of corona virus started from animals in the past. Many scientists believe that wild animals spread the virus. This means that animals were infected with bats and then this virus reached humans. Scientists are also finding out the species of bat from which this virus progressed.