Trump is preparing to impose a travel ban on 41 countries, many neighbouring countries of India are in the list


Reuters,. After the tariff trade war, US President Donald Trump is now preparing for another one. His administration has started preparing to impose a travel ban on 41 countries.

This includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and other countries.
According to news agency Reuters, the Trump administration has made 3 lists of 41 countries. The first list includes 10 countries, which include countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Cuba and North Korea. Citizens of these countries will not be allowed to travel to America. All these will be completely banned.

Sanctions on India’s neighbouring countries too

The second group includes East African countries Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar and South Sudan. Partial suspension will be applicable on the people of these countries. This will affect tourist and student visas as well as other immigrant visas with some exceptions.

The US has included 26 countries in the third group. Although all the names in the list could not be disclosed, it includes countries like Pakistan, Bhutan and Myanmar. A partial ban on issuing US visas to these countries will be considered if the governments there do not make efforts to remove the shortcomings within 60 days.

Ban was imposed in the first term as well

  • At present this list is not final and names of some countries can be added or removed from it. The final decision on the list has to be taken by the Trump administration. Donald Trump had also imposed a travel ban on 7 Muslim countries during his first term.
  • Now Trump has continued this in his second term as well. Taking a tough stand on immigration, Trump had directed cabinet members to give a list of countries by March 21 from which travel should be partially or completely suspended because their testing and screening information is very low.