US: How do candidates prepare for presidential debate? This trick worked for Kamala Harris


Presidential debates are considered to be of great importance in the US presidential election. It is said that the results of the debate reflect the election results. In the debate held between the Republican and Democratic candidates on Tuesday, most surveys are showing Kamala Harris’ victory. It is being said that Kamala Harris had prepared hard for this debate.

The presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has taken place. Kamala Harris has been declared the winner in 4 major US surveys regarding this debate. This is considered a big relief for the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris because she was lagging behind Trump in the latest survey released a day before the debate.

The Republican Party had taken a dig at the New York Times and Siena College poll and said that Kamala Harris’s ‘honeymoon period’ is over. At the same time, the victory in the presidential debate has definitely boosted the morale of Kamala Harris and her supporters. Although Harris did not have much time, she had still prepared hard for this debate.

Harris’s first, Trump’s seventh debate

Actually, this was the first presidential debate between Kamala Harris, while Trump had participated in presidential debates a record 6 times before this. In this sense, Trump had a lot of experience in presidential debates. But if we talk about preparation, then both the candidates left no stone unturned.

Tulsi Gabbard was part of Trump’s team

According to Politico, a team of 4 people including his advisors was assisting Trump. According to the New York Times, former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was also part of the team to prepare Trump for the debate. Tulsi Gabbard was brought in to help Trump because she knows Kamala Harris very well.

However, an official of Donald Trump’s campaign team told The Washington Post that Trump is not preparing much for the debate. However, those who know Trump well understand that Trump argues in the debates under his special strategy. Trump is mostly found making personal attacks and false claims, which he has used this time as well.

Kamala Harris resorted to method acting

But Kamala Harris has responded well to Trump’s attacks. Even Trump’s close friend Elon Musk has admitted after the debate that Kamala Harris performed better than expected. Actually Kamala Harris had worked hard and prepared for this.

According to the report of The New York Times, Kamala Harris practiced the debate for 5 days in a hotel in Florida. For this, she also resorted to method acting. For this, one of her aides not only behaved like Donald Trump but also wore clothes and a long tie like him. Apart from this, Kamala Harris also rehearsed her body language and facial expressions during the debate on Trump’s attacks.

This trick worked for Kamala Harris!

Kamala Harris questioned Trump’s plans and policies during the debate. She tried to portray Trump as a person who is a threat to America’s democracy by referring to his past records. Kamala Harris was successful in this effort to a great extent. Apart from this, when Trump called her and her father ‘Marxist’, Kamala Harris did not respond to it with words, rather she kept smiling. Her gestures, confidence and sharp words did not allow Trump to dominate the debate, even though Trump spoke for about 5 minutes more than her in the 90-minute debate.