Does Amazon Prime Video or Netflix have More Movies?


Amazon’s streaming service, Amazon Prime Video, now has three times more movies than competitor Netflix, according to a June 9 analysis.

Prime has a whopping 12,828 movies while Netflix, which has more subscribers than Amazon Prime, has 3,781 movies. And that number only represents the movies Amazon Prime offers to its subscribers for free, according to data from streaming-service search engine RealGood.

Amazon Prime memberships cost $12.99 per month and $119 per year, which includes Prime delivery services as well as Prime Video streaming services, though non-Prime members can also purchase a Prime Video subscription for $8.99 per month.

A Netflix subscription costs $12.99 per month.

The two streaming services rank closer in terms of movies RealGood categorized as “high-quality” movies based on ratings. Prime Video offers 568 high-quality videos and Netflix offers 424 high-quality movies. The two services also rank closer in TV show numbers; Prime Video offers 2,220 TV shows while Netflix offers 1,940, but Netflix has more high-quality shows, according to the analysis.

Users also get significantly more bang for their buck with Prime Video, which offers 1,427 movies per dollar spent. Netflix offers 291 movies per dollar spent.

Other streaming services including HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+ and Apple TV+ each offer less than 120 movies per dollar spent, data from RealGood shows.

Comparatively, HBO Max is the most expensive streaming service at $14.99 per month and offers 1,735 movies, Hulu is $11.99 per month and offers 1,016 movies, Disney+ is $6.99 per month and offers 615 movies and Apple TV+ is $4.99 per month but offers only five original movies.

Hulu isn’t far behind Netflix in TV show numbers a total of 1,755 shows. HBO Max offers 410 shows, Disney+ offers 235 and Apple TV+ offers 22.