Biden Won Trump Lost: Trump’s disappointment in electoral college voting, Trump’s disappointment, new president sworn in on January 20


Members of the presidential electorate met in various states on Monday to vote formally to elect Joe Biden in the US. The electors gave Biden a majority. He has got a total of 306 electoral votes.

16 electors from Georgia, 11 from Arizona and 6 from Nawada voted in Biden’s favor. The overall results will be sent to Washington, which will be counted on January 6 in a joint session of Parliament chaired by Vice President Mike Pence.
At the same time, the incumbent President Donald Trump is still claiming the winner. Trump said in an interview to Fox News that he was concerned about being appointed “an illegal president” in the US.

Understand Electoral College Mathematics

does not win the presidential election on the basis of popular vote. For this, one has to win in the Electoral College. The number of electoral colleges varies from state to state. There are a total of 538 electoral colleges across America, the candidate who gets 270 or more electoral colleges wins.

The votes that are given on the day of the presidential election determine which candidate will get all the electoral colleges present in any state. The winner of 270 or more electoral colleges wins. Biden claims on 306 Electoral College. On January 6, the Electoral College vote will be tallyed in the US Congress. The candidate who wins in this will be the President of America.