Big News: Corona infected husband wrote love letter to wife before dying, said- you always be happy

Corona Infected Husband Wrote Love Letter to His Wife Before Death The husband, who lost his life due to Coronavirus, wrote the last letter to the wife. On December 13, 45-year-old Billy Loredo died. Billy wrote in the letter that I want to tell you that I spent a wonderful life with you and will not deal with anything valuable in the world.

Texas. The husband, who lost his life due to Coronavirus, wrote the last letter to the wife. Billy Loredo, 45, died on 13 December at McLean Medical Center in Texas. Shortly before his death, Billy emailed a letter to his wife Sonya Kypuros. Billy wrote in the letter that before dying I want to tell you my heart. I want to tell you that I spent a wonderful life with you and will not deal with anything valuable in the world. I also want you to be happy and live your life without me and without any regrets. The time we spent together was amazing. Billy’s elder brother Pedro Loredo told that Billy had sent this letter to his wife Sonya before installing oxygen hose, etc.

Billy shared this letter in the famous program ‘Good Morning America’, while his brother shared it in America’s famous program ‘Good Morning America’ and said that at that moment, he and I understood that this was his last letter. Sonya got my last letter from my dear brother, which broke her heart to pieces. Loredo said that Billy was a romantic person and would often send love letters to his wife.

The elder brother said- Billy was full of positive energy,

Billy was a lawyer and he formed his own law firm a few years ago. Billy’s older brother, Pedro, remembers his brother saying that his bye was a very humble man full of positive energy who was sure of sharing happiness with the family. He told the specialty of brother and his wife that both loved hunting together. Describing his brother as a great man, he said that he had sown the seeds of love in the heart of every person he knew who has grown up today.

Billy had a corona infection in November

Billy’s health worsened in November. He underwent corona test in which he came positive. He became seriously ill on Thanksgiving and was hospitalized. Billy could not be saved after all the attempts.

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Billy’s wife Sonya read this letter and said that I feel as if he is allowing me to be alive and happy without him. In the program of Good Morning America with tears in her eyes, she said that it was very difficult to read this letter, but the way my husband took care of not only me but everyone, I was not surprised that he wrote me such a letter.

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