Amid the controversy over firing Trump, US President Biden admits his ‘mistake’


The issue of firing on former US President Donald Trump is hot. In his first interview after the attack, President Joe Biden told NBC News that it was his ‘mistake’ to say that Republican candidate Donald Trump should be kept in the ‘bull’s eye’.

Trump was shot during an election rally on Saturday. The bullet grazed his ear.

In his interview, Joe Biden admitted his mistake and also targeted Trump. Biden said that Donald Trump’s statements are provocative and warned that Trump remains a threat to democratic institutions.

Biden made the bull’s-eye comment at a fund-raising event during his election campaign. At that time, Biden had said that he was done talking about his poor debate performance and now it was time to put Trump in the ‘bull’s-eye’.

During an interview with NBC, Biden, while answering the questions being raised on his age and mental health, said that his mental capacity is very good. Biden said that it is right to question my age, but I have command over all my abilities. Biden said, “I am older, I am older than Trump, but I am only three years older than Trump and secondly, my mental condition is very good. I have done more work than any president in three and a half years.

Campaigning was halted after attack on Trump

Biden had halted his election campaign after the recent attack on Trump. After the attack, he also asked about Trump’s well-being over the phone and told him that Trump was fine. Trump thanked Biden after his call. Even after admitting his mistake to NBC anchor Holt, Biden said that Trump’s rhetoric is a real threat to democracy.

There is discontent within the Democratic Party about Biden’s candidacy. Biden reiterated in the interview that he will remain a candidate for the presidency.

If Trump wins there will be bloodshed

Speaking on Trump’s provocative rhetoric, Joe Biden said that if he loses the election, there could be bloodshed in the country. Biden has previously held Trump responsible for the violence in White House after the 2020 election results and considers him a threat to democracy.