Baba Vainga’s prophecy – World will face catastrophe in 2021, Trump will become deaf


Baba Wanga also mentioned the future of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They have said that a mysterious disease will surround Trump, due to which he will become deaf and will have brain trauma.

London:  Bawa Wanga, a prophet known as Nostradamus of the Balkans, has made many predictions about 2021. According to his prediction, the year 2021 is going to be dangerous for humanity. Significantly, she has said goodbye to the world in 1996 at the age of 86. He accurately predicted many events that have happened in the world, including the 9/11 attacks, the bracket crisis.

Regarding 2021, he has said that the world will face many catastrophes and severe disasters. At the same time, he has said that a big dragon will take over humanity. According to experts, Baba Wanga has hinted towards China through this thing. Apart from this, he has also said a lot about fuel. According to Baba, after stopping the petroleum production, trains will fly through the sunlight.

Baba Wanga, a big prediction about many big leaders, has also mentioned the future of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has said that a mysterious disease will surround Trump, due to which he will become deaf and will have brain trauma. At the same time, he spoke of an attack on Putin. According to Baba, Putin will be attacked by a murderous person of his own country. Apart from this, he has said that Islamic fundamentalists will attack Europe. Trump vetoes military spending bill, setting up standoff with GOP lawmakers

A good news

about diseases: While the predictions made about Baba Wanga’s diseases have worried people, on the other hand, there has also been news of relief. He has said that 2021 will be the year when the world will get freedom from cancer. According to his prediction, the world will get a cure for cancer this year. However, he has also pointed to another incident, saying that in 2021 ‘three demons will unite’.

Even before this, Baba Wanga has made many predictions. Things like the break up of the Soviet Union, the 9/11 attacks, the death of Princess Diana, the Shernobyl disaster have proved to be true. He also predicted his death. He has said that the universe will end in 5079.