Before going on a date with a stranger, the woman searched the name on Google, seeing the results, the ground slipped under her feet!


These days the trend of dating is increasing rapidly. People meet people on online dating sites and agree to meet them without knowing about them (Dating with Strangers). In such a situation, many times they also get to be cheated. Recently, the same thing happened to an American woman who was going on a dating (American Woman Googled Name of Stranger Date) with an unknown man. But before leaving, he checked his name on Google.

Shaina Kay Cardwell, who lives in Nashville, America, works as a recruitment manager in a company. Recently, he told about his strange dating experience. Shaina told that she had met a person on a dating app named Hinj with whom she thought of going on a date for the first time after talking for a few days.

Women’s senses flew as soon as they searched the name on Google,
nowadays people stock their partners on social media sites before starting dating, as if to know more things about them. The woman did exactly the same. Before going on a date, he searched his partner directly on the search engine Google, not on the social media site, so that he could know everything about him.

The person was arrested in the case of kidnapping,

as soon as Shaina searched for the person, her senses were blown away. According to the report of The Sun website, the woman shared the video on Tiktok and told that when she typed the name of the person on Google, she came to know that she has been arrested in the case of kidnapping. Shaina was stunned to know this. In his video, he explained to other women that when they too go on dating with an unknown person, before that they should check about them on social media as well as on Google because the whole truth is not known on social media. Many people have given their feedback by commenting on the video of the woman. One woman said that this is the reason why she does not date people through dating sites.