Coronavirus: American Expert Claims – Epidemic Corona Can Be Cleaned By July! But apply condition


America: End of Coronavirus pandemic: The number of corona patients in the world has crossed 830 million. More than 5 crore 88 lakh patients have been cured. More than 18 lakh 10 thousand people have lost their lives.

The threat of corona has not yet been postponed. However, it is possible that soon the corona can be cleaned from all over the world. Still need to remain alert. The vaccine has arrived. Emergency approvals have been found in many countries. The work of vaccination has also started. Vaccination will start in India from next month. Meanwhile, the number of corona patients in the world has crossed 830 million. More than 5 crore 88 lakh patients have been cured. More than 18 lakh 10 thousand people have lost their lives. But, now there is a comforting news. American experts have claimed the elimination of Corona.

America’s viral disease expert doctor Anthony Fauci has claimed that the Corona virus could be cleared by July 2021 if vaccination work is done properly in the country and the world. But, the condition is that the process of vaccination has to be completed in a manner. At the same time, it has to be ensured that the vaccine has access to 70 percent of the population. If everything goes well then the world will be like the first. Things will be normal.

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Vaccination is most important

Doctor Fauci, a prominent member of the Corona Task Force in the US Expert and Donald Trump Administration, has claimed this in an interview with California Governor Gavin Newson. According to Fauci, Corona has shown the most impact on America. Therefore it is important that vaccination should be taken serially. Corona can be eliminated from the root only by vaccination at the right time and time. Things will return to normal by July 2021. By April 2021, America and many countries of the world would have started vaccination on a large scale. Its effect will also be seen. Fauci claimed – The months from April to July 2021 will be very important not only for America but for the whole world.

Claim to open everything from July

Dr. Fauci said that if people also help in vaccination and get the vaccine done on time, then by July there will already be an atmosphere in schools, theaters, sports clubs and restaurants. He appealed to the people through interviews to get the vaccine as soon as possible.

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70 percent of the population will have to apply vaccine

Before Dr. Fauci, American business tycoon Bill Gates has also said that if Corona is to be controlled, 70 percent of the world’s population will have to be vaccinated. Every person will need 10 billion doses according to two doses. Producing such a vaccine is not easy. Vaccine manufacturers across the world make about six billion doses of different diseases every year.

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