Developed countries have purchased millions of Corona vaccine, experts worried; Know – India’s position


Many of the corona virus vaccines are still in their final stages. They have not received the approval of the use, but in spite of this they have sold crores of dollars. There are more developed countries in buying them. In such a situation, a big crisis is facing the poor and developing countries. These countries may have to wait longer for the corona vaccine. A top African health official said on Thursday that it would be extremely bad for people from rich countries to get the Kovid-19 vaccine and to be deprived of it by African countries.

Countries like the United States and Britain have purchased crores of doses of Corona virus vaccine. Some developed countries have also paid in advance for crores of doses. In such a situation, companies will first supply vaccine to these countries. The orders of these countries are so large that it will take a long time for companies to fulfill them. In such a situation, when and how will poor and developing countries get corona vaccine, this is the big question?

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John Nakengsong, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Africa, said that only after the second quarter of 2021 would people in Africa get the Kovid-19 vaccine. Nakengsong’s statement comes at a time when infection cases are on the rise in Africa on one hand and the process of vaccinating people in the UK has started. He termed it a ‘moral issue’ and urged the United Nations not to have differences between the countries regarding the vaccine and transparent delivery of the vaccine. A special session should be called for this. Nakengsong said that giving vaccines only in Western countries would not eliminate Kovid-19. He expressed concern over rich countries purchasing more than the amount of the vaccine.

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In fact, Western countries have created a strategy to buy more corona virus vaccine than they need. Countries with a population of millions have also bought crores of corona vaccine. On the other hand, developing countries are not able to buy vaccines to give to their entire population. The situation here is somewhat better than India, which has bought 1.6 billion doses. However, the vaccine that India has ordered requires only two doses. In such a situation, the total population of India will not get this vaccine. By the way, the Indian government has made it clear that not everyone is going to need corona vaccine.