Donald Trump will contest the 2024 election! Says at White House Party – See you after 4 years


Donald Trump told the guests at the reception at the White House, “It has been a very good four years.” The Republican National Committee had a large number of members in the party.

Washington. Donald Trump is busy packing his belongings from the White House after facing a loss to Joe Biden in the US presidential elections. On Tuesday, Trump hosted a holiday response. Since this event, there are speculations that Donald Trump may once again try his luck in the presidential elections of 2024. Actually, Trump has asked to meet the guests of this party again after 4 years, after which it is being said that Trump will contest the 2024 elections.

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Donald Trump told the guests at the reception at the White House, “It has been a very good four years.” The Republican National Committee had a large number of members in the party. Trump added, “We are trying to get four more years.” Otherwise I will meet you after the next four years.

Will this day in 2024 the beginning of the election campaign

according to NBC News, Trump discussed on January 20 chances with your closest allies began his 2024 campaign. This trump party was streamed live on Facebook.
Last week, Trump had said bluntly that he would contest again in 2024 if his lawyers could not reverse the 2020 election. The thinking of Trump’s supporters is that Biden may become President, but in the coming times, Trump will remain in the media. It is because of this that Trump knows the art of staying in the news. This helps media institutions to increase their ratings by showing them. Whereas, Biden is considered ‘boring’.

What will be the 2024 equation for Trump?

It is noteworthy that a survey of an agency called ‘Seven Letter Insight’ has revealed that if Trump contests in 2024, then 66 percent of Republican voters will give him their votes. In the Morning Consult-Politico poll, 54 percent of Republican voters said they would support Trump in the primaries to choose the party’s candidate. It is clear that all kinds of surveys have indicated only one kind.

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