American-Indian scientists discover method of preparing fuel from water on ‘Mars’


US-Indian Scientist Sucess: Fuel can be prepared from saline water on Mars. In the US, a team of US-Indian scientists has invented the technology to get oxygen and hydrogen fuel from water.

Washington. Fuel can be prepared from saline water present on Mars. A team of US-Indian scientists in the US has developed the technology to get oxygen and hydrogen fuel from water. Scientists found that the temperature of Mars is very low and despite this, water does not freeze. Scientists concluded on this basis that there is too much salt in the water.

Pro. Vijay Ramani leads the team

Professor Vijay Ramani at the University of Washington, US, led this team of researchers and he tested the system in a temperature of minus 36 degrees Celsius according to the conditions of the atmosphere of Mars. Scientists said that to convert a water compound into oxygen and hydrogen fuel with the help of electricity, it is necessary to first separate the dissolved salts from the water, which in such a difficult situation is a very long and expensive process, with the atmosphere of Mars Will also be dangerous according to

Professor Ramani says this…

Pro. Ramani said that in the situation of Mars, our electrolyzer, which splits water into two liquids, will completely change the strategic calculation of mission to Mars and beyond. This technology is equally useful on Earth, where the ocean is a viable source of oxygen and fuel (hydrogen).

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scientists claim that prepare system Ramani’s laboratory, Using energy equivalent to moxi can produce 25 times more oxygen. In addition, it may also produce hydrogen fuel, which astronauts can use to return.

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