Lockdown in China due to Corona epidemic, record deaths in these countries including Russia, know – condition of other countries


Hong Kong, ANI. Corona epidemic continues to wreak havoc in many countries of the world. Fearing the spread of infection, China has implemented the lockdown again.

It continues to wreak havoc in Russia. Record deaths have occurred here in the last 24 hours. Record deaths have also occurred in Ukraine and Bulgaria. At the same time, there has been a decline in cases in America. However, in view of the Delta variant, there is a possibility of an increase in it.

Lockdown again in China after spreading corona infection in 11 provinces

Lockdown has been imposed once again in China due to Corona. After last week, more than 100 new cases of corona have been reported in 11 provinces of the country. National Health Commission (NHC) spokesman Mi Feng said in a press conference on Sunday that since October 17, cases of corona have been increasing rapidly in various parts of China.

According to Fang, 75 percent of the country’s population, or more than one billion people, has been vaccinated, yet the corona infection is spreading rapidly.

Strictness on entry into Beijing

Corona was first confirmed in a group of tourists on 16 October after a long gap in China. This Shanghai tourist group had been fully immunized and had visited several northern regions. A total of 133 cases in China till Sunday are related to 13 tourist groups.

Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningjia, Guizhou and Beijing are reported to have spread to about a third of the country’s provinces and regions, with moderate and high risk of infection.

Authorities have banned inter-provincial tourism programs of travel agencies. Entry into Beijing has also been tightened. Corona negative certificate has been made mandatory for entry in Beijing.

New record of daily deaths in Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria

According to the news agency Pretr, a record 1,106 people died due to corona during 24 hours in Russia, while 36,446 people were found infected. A record 734 people died in Ukraine and 243 in Bulgaria during this period. Vaccination rates are low in these countries.

Cases decreased in America, but the possibility of increase remains

In the US, the daily figure of corona infected reached 1.73 lakh on September 13, after which the cases started declining and for the last few days this figure is around 73 thousand. However, after the arrival of the delta variant, cases of corona infection have started increasing in rural areas and it is expected to increase further in view of winter.

Eight fully vaccinated foreign travelers will get entry into the US

Fully vaccinated travelers from other countries, including India, have been allowed to enter the US from November 8. However, they will have to undergo a Kovid-19 test and show a certificate of Kovid negative before entering the US. The White House has issued guidelines to this effect on Monday.