One died of mysterious disease in Andhra Pradesh, 340 people hospitalized


n Andhra Pradesh, at least one person has died so far from an unknown disease and 340 people have been admitted to the hospital. There are 180 men and 160 women among them.

Doctors have told that these patients are getting symptoms like nausea and faintness due to dizziness.

Officers are engaged in investigating this disease. Symptoms of this disease have been seen in many people in the city of Eluru in Andhra Pradesh late last week.

The outbreak of Corona virus infection is not taking its name, meanwhile, this mysterious disease has now knocked.

The number of corona infections in India is second in the world. Andhra Pradesh is among the worst affected states in the country. So far, eight lakh cases of infection have been reported here.

Also Read: Scientists reveal, T cells of immune system can be helpful in preventing corona