Russian hackers targeted the network connected to the US government, dent, finance and commerce department


Washington,. The Trump administration admitted on Sunday that hackers working for the foreign government had broken into key government networks, including its finance and commerce departments. According to the government, the hackers were also able to get the e-mails present in the system. According to federal and private intelligence experts, these hackers work for the Russian intelligence agency.

According to officials, this is the biggest attack on the federal system in the last five years. At the same time, many believe that the agencies related to national security have also been affected by this cyber attack. However, it is not yet clear whether the system contained highly confidential information. The Trump administration has not publicly said much about the hacking, suggesting that security agencies worried about Russian interference in the presidential election were unaware of it until a few days ago. The country’s National Security Council spokesman John Ulliott said the government was aware of the hacking news and all necessary steps were being taken to prevent it. The Commerce Department has admitted that one of its agencies has been targeted. However the Commerce Department has not named the agency.

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According to two people familiar with the cyber attack, the motive for the attack on the agency of the Department of Commerce and the Finance Department is not yet known. A government official said that it is too early to say how much damage has been caused by the recent attack and how much data has been stolen. However, according to many corporate officials, cyber attacks started this spring. This means that these attacks were not detected by the security agencies even during the epidemic and elections. In fact, some time ago the National Security Agency warned the system used by the federal government to be targeted by hackers working for Russia. A week later, Reuters first reported the cyber attack.