US Expert Committee also gave green signal to use Pfizer vaccine, 17 out of 22 votes in favor


US Pfizer-BioNTech has become the fifth country to approve Kovid-19 vaccine. Earlier, Britain, Canada, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia had given permission to use this vaccine.

Washington: An expert committee of the US Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against Kovid-19 (Coronavirus) . In this expert committee of 22 people, 22 votes were cast in favor of using the vaccine while four votes were against it. One member disappeared from the meeting.

The expert committee was tasked to answer whether, based on the totality of available scientific evidence, the risks of using the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech Kovid-19 vaccine in individuals 16 years and older. Do reduce

The vote by infectious disease experts, biostatists and other scientists, including independent experts and researchers, is not binding, but is also expected to be followed by the Food and Drug Administration in the coming days.

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Let us know that before America, Britain, Canada, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have given approval for the use of this vaccine. This company has become the first pharma company in the world to produce a large-scale vaccine after the third phase of clinical trials.

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Russian and Chinese vaccines are already being produced on a large scale, but have not completed comparative clinical trials. However, the full results report of the trial conducted by Pfizer-BioNTech on 44,000 people was published on Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine, a major milestone.