How Biden, Russia-China will be big factors in reducing dangerous arms race in the world, know the whole matter


Washington:  A new debate has arisen between Washington and Moscow over a new arms race before a change of power in the US. This is happening at a time when there are few days left for the end of the tenure of US President Donald Trump. The newly elected President of the United States, Joe Biden, will take charge on January 20. In such a situation, there will be pressure on the new President of America, Joe Biden, to take the world away from a new weapons war. What is the latest issue? What will be the big challenge before the newly elected President of America. What is Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. China will be a big factor.

Biden faces difficulties in the midst of China’s growing power

In fact, the term of the strategic arms reduction treaty Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty , which began between the US and Russia in 2010, ends on 5 February. A new agreement between Washington and Moscow will be needed to extend the duration of this treaty. Therefore, soon after the newly elected President Biden takes over, there will be a huge responsibility to carry forward this treaty. This path will not be easy for Biden, as there has been a lot of differences between the two countries regarding this treaty during the administration of President Donald Trump. Secondly, it will not be an easy task to deal with this new US strategic policy to deal with the growing power of China.

Putin got heated by a tweet

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a tweet on Thursday that we are ready to negotiate arms control with the United States, but our allies also have to show a positive attitude. His tweet came on Thursday when Russia blamed the US for the new weapons race. Russia said that Moscow was forced to develop Harpsonic weapons. After this, a new debate has been waged between the two countries on the arms race. However, Russia is also waiting for the newly elected President Biden to take over.

What is China’s favor

China is also under pressure to join the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). However, China continues to avoid joining the treaty. China says that its stock of nuclear weapons is much smaller than that of Russia and America, so it is not necessary to join the treaty. But the way the deadlock between the US and China has happened recently, this conflict has increased.

The New Start Treaty will end in February 2021

The collapse of the new strategic arms reduction treaty can have terrible consequences in the world. The emergence of such a treaty by the superpowers has once again raised the possibility of arms competition in the world. The new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty came into force on 5 February 2011. Actually, it was in 1991, at the end of the Cold War. It was replaced by the Start Treaty. The New Start Treaty will lapse in February 2021. The US and Russia had agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenal under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

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New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in discussion

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed to extend the new Strategic Weapon Reduction Treaty by one year. Russia currently proposes to extend the treaty by one year without first imposing a new condition. The United States has rejected Putin’s proposal to extend the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty by one year. Putin has alleged that there has been a dismal reaction from the US.