Transparency International Report: New Zealand is the most honest country in the world, know what number of India, China and Pakistan


Corruption in India and Pakistan: India is number 80 in the world in terms of corruption. At the same time Pakistan has a lot more corruption than India. China ranks 78 in the world in terms of corruption. New Zealand and Denmark are the cleanest countries in corruption cases.

new Delhi. In the case of corruption, the situation of India is still very bad in the countries of the world. If we talk about corruption in India compared to Pakistan and China, then there is less corruption in Beijing than India, while Pakistan is immersed in extreme corruption. This has been revealed in the Transparency International Report during the Corona Pandemic. New Zealand is number one and Denmark is number two in this survey.

India at number 86 in the group of 180 countries

In Transparency International’s report, in the group of 180 countries, India is at number 86 in corruption cases. It has also come out in the report that countries which have less corruption have been able to deal with Corona more effectively. In 2019, it was ranked 80 in terms of corruption.


this report of 40 points Transparency International received by India in 0-100 points, the opinion of people involved in public sector and business was taken. For this, ranking was done on a scale of 0-100. 0 points were to be given to the country where there was maximum corruption while 100 points were to be given to the cleanest country.

Pakistan at number 124, China

has a very bad situation in terms of clean corruption from India . He has got 124th rank in this ranking whereas he has got only 31 points. As far as China is concerned, its position is not much clearer than India, it is at number 78 in the group of 180 countries. China has got a total of 42 points. India has two more neighbors Nepal at 117th and Bangladesh at number 146.

Corruption increased in America too!

America is at number 67 in terms of corruption. America’s ranking has also fallen this year.

Lowest corruption in New Zealand and Denmark

In the Corona period, New Zealand had gained a lot of accolades in the world due to its efforts. This country also ranked number one in the Transparency International report with 88 points, while Denmark also got 88 points and was second only after decimal calculation. Finland ranked third with 85 points.

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Southern Sudan and Somalia in the most corrupt

report has revealed that South Sudan and Somalia are the most corrupt countries in the world. South Sudan has got only 12 points while Somalia has also got 12 points. Both countries are at number 179.

List of 10 honest countries of the world

1-New Zealand