US California people get 10 crore rupees to covid vaccine jackpot


In America’s populous state of California, more than 36 lakh people were found infected with the corona virus, while more than 62 thousand people have died due to this disease.

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California Vaccine Jackpot: In many states of America, people are being rewarded for reducing the hesitation of Kovid-19 Vaccine. In California itself, 10 people who got the vaccine at Universal Studios have got a reward of Rs 10 crore. The winners have been given this money by Governor Gavin Newsom. So that people can be given the vaccine in time and the restrictions due to corona virus can be removed.

The program was named ‘Wax for the Win’. So that people can be motivated to get the vaccine. More than six lakh people have died in America due to the corona virus epidemic. At the same time, more than 38 lakh people have died worldwide (World Coronavirus Deaths). Some restrictions have been lifted in California only on Tuesday. Even during the vaccine lottery, many people did not wear masks. State Health Secretary Dr Mark Ghale was also involved in this.

People over 36 years old infected

In America’s populous state of California, more than 36 lakh people were found infected with the corona virus, while more than 62 thousand people have died due to this disease. But it is believed that the actual figures are much higher than this. California is undoubtedly a more populous state, but the death rate has been lower than other states. The infection rate in California is less than 1 percent (California Coronavirus Cases). With this, more than 70 percent of adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

More than 900 people hospitalized

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The governor says that state officials will still continue to inspire people to vaccinate their children and themselves. It was told on Tuesday that 977 people infected with the corona virus are hospitalized in the state. Of these, 251 are admitted in ICU. America has been the most affected country in the world by Corona virus (US COVID Situation). Former President Donald Trump was accused of failing to control the infection. Then as soon as Joe Biden became President, the pace of vaccination was increased in the country.